Wednesday, July 13, 2011

If it ain't one thing...

Well, I started my new job this week at the Shima No Ko Child Development Center on Kadena Air Force Base. First of all, let me just say that I love kids, I really do, but some parents need to learn the art of a giving one good ass whipping! Some of the kids are insane! I mean come on parents... most of the time all it takes is one good spanking...the rest of the time you will just have to threaten them with a spanking! I have really been bouncing around classrooms at work for the past few days. They are hoping to place me in a permanent class with toddlers..yay... (are you hearing the sarcasm)... I really want to be in the rooms with the babies. At least when they are screaming and crying I can usually fix it fairly easily. Even when they all start crying at once, it isn't as bad as when just one toddler throws a tantrum. So far, I have been bitten, pinched, hit, and SPIT on in the toddler rooms, and that was all by one kid!!! In the infant section, I have managed to only get throw up on once. I will take thrown up peaches any day over a bastard ass kid deliberately spitting on me!

So, now that I am finally able to start making some money, my car decided to completely shit the bed. The computer system is fucked, so we are having to scrap it. This sucks because now we are having to use one car between the two of us. Clint needs the vehicle pretty often for work, but I work across town and need it to drive to work. So I take Clint to work in the morning, and he then has to walk home for lunch and when he gets off. This wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't the summer time. The heat and humidity are ridiculous! So I feel pretty bad for him right now.

I also feel really bad for the dogs. With both of us working, they are spending over 16hrs a day in the kennels. 8 hrs due to sleep time and 8 for work. Clint does let them out for about an hour at lunch time, so they get a little break, but it still sucks. I wish I could trust them enough to leave them out all day. However, last time I tried that, Lady and Hope (I used to think it was just Hope but I caught Lady red handed, chewed a bunch of DvDs they pulled off the bottom shelf of the bookcase.

Also, we are pretty sure Hope is in heat. Neither her or Bear are fixed, so things have been pretty interesting around here. Thank god Hope is shaped funny due to her paralysis, because Bear tries as much as possible to corner her and hump her whenever possible. He can't get down that low though.

And on one final note, my doctors appointment is this Friday to find out if Clint, myself ,or both of us have fertility problems or if we have just been unlucky. Should be interesting to get those results in.

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