Friday, July 15, 2011

Dial down the worry... I am NOT dying!

 For all who are concerned, rest assured that my bad medical news is not a life or death situation by any means. Basically, we found out that it is very improbable that Clint and I can have kids without assistance. It isn't impossible, but I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for it to happen. The doctors are actually going to do a retest on one of the results to be absolutely sure. The medical facilities over here do not have the capabilities to assist with this issue, so we will have to wait at least 3 years until we get back to the states. Worse case scenario, we take out a giant loan to do in vitro. If that option doesn't pan out then we will just adopt. I really do not think this situation is that big of a deal. It is unfortunate, but there is not reason to get all upset about it.

So hopefully, this puts everyone at ease. Neither one of us are dying. We aren't even sick.

1 comment:

  1. Everyone over reacted because you left us hanging on your fb status.

    What is the cause of the infertility? My. Friends were told they grad less than a 1% chance of having kids. After they adopted their son she became pregnant with their daughter. Hugs. Love you both. You can take my kids anytime. :)
