Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Fun Run and other happenings..

Haven't had too much going on recently since I started working. Working in child care again has reaffirmed my belief in spanking! Some kids just need one good ass beating, then after that its all threats. I would love to say to a kid "I'm gonna tell Daddy/Mommy." and have them react like they give a shit. Typically the response I get from these kids is "okay" or "I don't care." And once I  meet the parents, I understand why they kids don't give a damn. It is because Mommy and Daddy don't discipline their kids ever! We actually have kids at the center that are terrible, but the administration has actually told us not to tell the parents because it causes such a mess. For instance, one employee told Boy#1's parents that he had been hitting and biting other kids and the teachers. The mother went to the admin. saying that the teacher said her kid was the worst kid ever, and basically, exaggerated everything about the event to make it seem like the teacher had it out for the kid. Even though the admin knew the teacher was right, she was made to leave the classroom, which she had been in for quite a while, and go to a new room with all new kids. Seriously, I do not understand people sometimes... Just because you think it is cute when your kid does something does NOT mean that others think that shit is cute! IT'S NOT FUCKING CUTE! GET YOUR HELLION UNDER CONTROL!

In other news, we participated in a 5k this weekend. Notice how I did not say we RAN a 5k. We took the dogs and walked/jogged the whole time. Clint is really the only one who did the jogging since I was taking forever walking with the dogs. He jogged the last mile or so. Clint came in at just over 37 min., while me, the girls, and our neighbor Chris came in dead last with a time just under 58 min. I am actually proud that we came in last! Not many people can say that... there can only be one first and one last. Everyone else finishes in the middle somewhere!

I started this out intending to actually write about something specific, but now I have NO idea was that was, which is why I am rambling. Anyhow, gonna hit the hay. Here is a picture of Hope and Lady at the 5k. 

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