Sunday, July 10, 2011

Animal House

So, I decided to start this up to make it easier for everyone in the states to know what we are up to. It is pretty hard sometimes to catch people at the right times because of working around sleep and work schedules.

For anyone wondering, we did not even feel the 7.1 earthquake that hit Japan today. For future reference, and everyone's peace of mind, we are very far (around 1000 miles) from Tokyo, which is on Mainland Japan (Honshu Island). We are much closer to Taiwan than to Honshu. Since we have been here, we haven't experienced any quakes, just one little typhoon, which was nothing compared to some of the hurricanes to hit the east coast.

Anyways, today we went back to Tadake Falls with some of our neighbors. If you have seen my pics on Facebook, then you know it is a really pretty waterfall and a great place for pictures. The weather was really nice today, since the humidity wasn't terrible. On the way back to base, we were all admiring the scenery, and one of our neighbors made the comment "Can you believe that it is our job to be here? We get paid to be here!" It is pretty awesome that we get paid to live in paradise. Okinawa is to Japan what Hawaii is to Americans. Thousands of people vacation here from the other islands because it is absolutely amazing here. I took some pictures last weekend of how blue and clear the water is. It is no wonder that Okinawa is one of the best dive destinations in the world!

Speaking of diving, we really need to get back in the water! We haven't been since we did our class, but money has been a little tight. Thank god I start my job tomorrow!!! I won't be getting paid as much as I was originally told, but that's the military for you. However, it is more than I am getting paid to sit around the house on my fat ass!

On another note, my house is freaking buts right now! We have had several friends leave unexpectedly for family emergencies in the states, so all of the neighbors that are still here took in a dog to help out. So for the time being, we have 4 dogs (two of which are full grown male German Shepards) and 1 cat in our 100 sq. ft. townhouse. I am so tired of vacuuming! I am just not going to worry about it anymore until Rufus' parents get back! Okay, that is a lie. All the dog hair drives me crazy, so I will still probably vacuum at least every other day.

In all honesty, all of the dogs are very good and well behaved... Well, they were, until Bear stole my BK Stacker tonight!!!!! OFF WITH HIS HEAD!...well off to his box anyway. Rufus belongs to our neighbors Annie and Jesse, and he is very well behaved. He did have an accident the first night and was up all night pacing, but now he stays here all day and sleeps at his house, which seems to work better for everybody. They also have a badass cat named Inu (dog in Japanese). He is big, fat, and black, and he wears an iced out chain with a Hello Kitty Clock on it! LoL. I will have to post a picture because it is pretty awesome.

Hope, our crippled dog, is doing well as always. She did scrape her butt on the sidewalk the other day because of the way she walks. Other than that, she is.... oh great, she just shit on the!

Lady is her typical self. She is such a chill dog. She rarely ever barks, and if you take her outside a few times a day, she will be happy just laying on the couch all day long.

 We just got Bear's chest x-ray done yesterday for his heartworms. They don't think it looks too bad. They said just going by the x-ray without blood work they guessed Stage 2 out of 4. As heartworms get worse, they cause the heart to enlarge, but his looked pretty good. I will be very glad when we can start his treatment! He is such a good dog, but the longer he is here the more attached I am going to get. So we need to get him well and find him a good, permanent family!

I am thinking that will take about 8 mos. to a year. Then, I am going to start trying to work out getting Ricky Bobby and Rocky over here! I miss my boys!

And for my last thought, which is brought on by my volunteer work, I would just like to say that most military personnel are immature, irresponsible, dumb-asses who should not be given responsibility of a Chia Pet, let alone an actual living, breathing dog or cat.

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