Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Recent Happenings

Not too much going on here lately. Still playing softball. We had another tournament this past weekend, and we actually won our first game. Of coarse, we had three guys playing with us due to the fact that half our team is TDY in Korea, so that probably had a big impact on game outcome. Other than that, we got Hope fixed, and Bear started his heartworm treatment.

I haven't been able to do any diving in weeks because of being sick. This is by far the biggest downfall of working with kids. Clint's mom sent me some all natural oil remedy to try, so I will start on that tomorrow! I am hoping it works because I need to finish my Advanced Diving Certification, and I want to play with my new underwater camera! I cannot wait!

Only a little over two months until I am flying back to the states. Can't wait to eat some Carabba's and Outback! MmM! I also can't wait to see the nieces and nephews. We are still trying to work something out so we can grab a free AMC hop to Alaska. That would be pretty awesome, but I am not gonna hold my breath for that to actually happen!