Thursday, August 25, 2011

Catch up

Wow. So, I am not doing the best job keeping up with this thing. Oh well, here is what has been going on recently.

I joined a slow pitch softball team. Most of our players are girls that played in high school, but lets be honest, high school wasn't yesterday, or even last year. We are all pretty rusty, and it is taking some time to get back into the swing (pun intended, lol) of things. We were in a tournament last weekend and got our asses stomped, but it was alot of fun. It feels good to be a part of something like this again.

Clint and I are in the process of working on our Advanced Scuba certification. If the weather holds off and my sinuses clear up, we will be doing our advanced dives this weekend! Once we get this taken care of, we will be able to dive to 100ft. Also, on the topic of diving, I bought a badass underwater camera! I cannot wait to take some awesome pictures to show everyone!

I am still volunteering my time with OAARS as the intake coordinator. I really enjoy it. I doubt I will ever buy a pure bred dog again. There are so many dogs (mixes and pure breds) that are abandoned and need good homes. Nine times out of ten there is nothing wrong with the dogs that are abandoned. The problem usually lies with the family one day deciding that they no longer have time for the animal they committed to. The best thing about OAARS is that it is a "no-kill" organization. So no dog in our care will ever be put down no matter how long we have them. We actually just sent one dog to a "no kill" dog sanctuary in Washington State because she could not fit into any homes here. So, even if we have a difficult animal, we will still make arrangements to put the animal in a safe place without the possibility of being put down.

I am still working at the child development center. I currently work with 6-12 month old infants. I can honestly say that I like this age group better, but sometimes I miss my group of toddlers. One bad thing about this job is that I constantly have a cold.

We finally did the adoption paperwork for Lady, so she is officially ours! I just love her! She honestly has one of the best personalities of any dog I have ever been around! Her one flaw is that she gets anxious when we leave and will pee if she is out of the box. This is easily fixed and avoided because we never leave her out anymore when we aren't home. Problem Solved!

Bear starts his heartworm treatment on September 6th! I am excited that we can finally start getting him healthy! It is a little bittersweet though because it also means we are closer to having to give him up, and we have become quite attached to him. We also started formal training with him through OAARS, and even though he tries to be hard headed sometimes, he is doing pretty well. He knows all of his commands already, but because he thinks he is the pack leader, he only listens when he feels like it. The training is mostly to assert our dominance over him, and now he obeys much more frequently. We are also working on his habit of pulling while on the leash too. This problem is improving, but it is taking quite a bit more time.

Also, note to self, never give Bear hotdogs. The trainer recommended hotdogs as a "high value" treat when training. Well we tried that, and about a day and a half later, found out what a bad idea that was. Clint came home to find Bear had explosive shit all in his crate. In his attempts to get away from the poop, he actually smeared it everywhere. So Clint took him outside for a little bit, and when he brought him back inside to tell me what was up (just as a got home and sat down for a sec), Bear threw up everywhere. Needless to say, Bear spent the next few hours on the back patio and got a bath. This is one time I was glad for the stuffy nose. While Clint was gagging trying to clean the shit up, I was pleasantly oblivious to smells. LoL

We have canceled our November trip to Hawaii for now. It was just a little more than we want to spend on a vacation at this time. We are probably still going to take the same amount of leave and spend the week diving. Unless of course we can get an AMC flight to AK! That would be pretty awesome, but I am not holding my breath.

Oh, I almost forgot to show everyone my super awesome birthday present that Clint got me.  I LOVE globes and the world map! This globe in particular is made out of coral! Pretty sweet!